![]() Event
Awards And don't forget to get this year's banner to display all your event pins on. Only $12 and made of real leather! A limited supply will be available at events and we can reorder if we run out. IVV Achievement Awards The Internationaler Volkssportverband (IVV) has established an incentive award program to encourage regular participation in IVV events. There are two types of awards, each having specific levels of achievement. An IVV record book is used to collect certification stamps needed for each level of achievement. When an achievement level is reached, the IVV awards a certificate, embroidered cloth patch and hat pin. The IVV record books currently cost $6 (which covers the award elements) and are available at all events. These books are valid indefinitely and are honored at any IVV sanctioned Folkssport event worldwide. Distance and Event Record Books are available at most events. IVV-AVA Credits can be earned for Distance walked (biked, skied) AND for the number of events in which you participate. These credits are recognized worldwide as symbols or achievement. They count toward acquisition of International Achievement Awards. Each type of credit is recorded upon completion of the event by a rubber stamp in a special Distance and/or Event Record Book. Event credit for each walk may be earned daily. There is no limit on the Distance credit that may be earned for any of these events, and you are encouraged to participate as much as you desire. At each event, a charge of $4 includes the IVV credit stamp applied in either or BOTH books. After completing a specified number of events or distance to reach an award level, your achievement will be recognized by the AVA national office with an award pin, patch and certificate at no additional charge. All events sponsored by NSTT are sanctioned by the AVA in the IVV and eligible for international achievement credit. Event awards are given after participating in 10, 30, and 50 events. After 50 events, awards are given for every 25 events until 600 events have been completed. After 600 events, awards are given for every 50 events. Distance awards are given after completing 500 kilometers until the participant has completed 8000K. After 8000K awards are given for every 1000K completed. |
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